Thursday 1 April 2010

The Witch on the Mountain

Once upon a time a witch lived in a big and beautiful castle on a mountain. She was a happy witch. She wore funny glasses and had an ugly big nose, a lot of black curly hair and wore a pointed hat on her head. One day the witch wanted to try a new spell. The witch took a while thinking about her new spell. She wanted to create a great spell for her and for all the other people living in the village beneath the mountain. At last she found the magic words. “FOKIS POKIS,” she said. The spell let the witch and all the people of the village to have all they needed like good houses in which they could live safely and warm, plenty of food to eat and staying healthy with plenty of fresh running water which never ended. But she said something wrong with the magic words and the spell didn’t work. Instead the big beautiful castle exploded, the village was destroyed and all the villagers died.

Craig Portelli

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