Thursday 1 April 2010

Who Am I?

One fine morning, I woke up early because I was hungry. I went to look for a piece of bread in the cupboard. I found out that there was no bread. I went to dress up to go to the baker and on my way to the baker I met a postman who was posting letters. I saw a jockey riding a beautiful black horse. The bus driver was blowing the horn to make the jockey move out of the way. Then I arrived at the baker and it was closed, so I went to the grocer to see if he had any bread. A milkman was selling milk in the street near the grocer and lots of people came out of their homes to buy milk. When I went out of the grocer’s shop, a pilot with a plane flew over me and my hair became spiky, so I went to the hairdresser to arrange my hair and give me a new hairstyle. After I walked to school and I heard the teachers teaching children. I went to the seaside and on the big rocks I saw a fisherman fishing for some fresh fish. They took the fish to a cook to cook them because they were hungry. The coal merchant went home and his shop was on fire, so I called the firemen to come and put out the fire. Then I met a mechanic who was looking for his tools because he wanted to mend a car. Next to the mechanic, a builder was building a house. The window cleaner was cleaning the windows of the next house in the neighbourhood because all the windows of this house were very dirty with all the dust the builder left behind. On the way home, I saw a farmer growing crops. I stopped to talk to him about vegetables. I told him that they were delicious to eat. I asked him were I could find a butcher because I wanted to buy some meat for my mum. Then I went home feeling happy because I met so many workers on just one morning.

Sion Tabone

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